So you can go to the gym anytime of day, turn up and train to 100% intensity, have a fantastic session look in the mirror and all is ok! Right?!
Basically in this article I'm going to try help you understand that you cannot just go to the gym at any time! It takes planning and preparation!!
So the first thing you must do is to plan your day in advance, use a diary or a phone planner etc, instead of just leaving a hour for the gym after you pick up your sister, you first need to place a meal into your diary. WHATTT?!! I hear you say, stay with me people!
So you plan a meal for example at 3 o'clock, being a fairly knowledgeable person you know to eat complex carbs, clean proteins and of course some greens! By the time you have finished eating it will be 3.15. (This should all be written down and planned).
Food's getting nicely digested but at 3.30 I want you too reach into the fruit bowl and pull out a banana, when you swallow the last bite on the banana set a alarm for 45 minutes time. (can be different depending on when you feel your food has settled but no less than 30 minutes)
Take out your pre-workout supplement like N.O Xplode or Super Pump and consume a serving. I personally use either of these two brands, some people may use Jack 3d or 1.M.R etc these are both very good products but I find the muscle effects over mind effects better with the two listed first.
Now ideally you want to take a walk up to the gym that takes around 20-30 minutes but if you have to drive to the gym then go there asap, and then do some light c.v work at a running pace to allow the formulas to start working. When the 30 minutes has been reached the ingredients should have kicked in and now its time to start your workout.
If you have it and can afford it, now is a great time to mix up a intra workout supplement, like Gaspari Size-ON.
But why do we do these things, lets explain.
Complex Carbs- to ensure that energy levels are maintained throughout the workout, and to stop the body burning muscle to provide energy.
Protein- simple enough to build and protect current muscle. If your tearing all these muscles working out then you need something so repair and feed them! Dum ass!
Greens- vitamins and minerals are just as important as protein and Carbs for building muscle and having steady energy levels.
Banana- the sugar levels in a banana work great when coupled with a pre workout supplement as it helps to shuttle the active ingredients into the muscles and as everyone knows they provide great energy.
Pre-work out supplements- you can find more in the supplements section but in a sentence, they promote concentration, recovery time and increase energy when in the gym! Stimulants but with extra kick!
Thanks for reading
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