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Tricep's are constantly over looked when it comes to getting those sleeve tearing arms. Why would you train triceps when you can train biceps! Let me tell you why!

Firstly 2/3rd's of your arm is tricep! You guessed it, so getting a bigger arm is more about the size of your tricep than it is about your bicep.

Secondly the daddy of all exercises for your ego is clearly the bench press. If you increase the strength of your triceps you can lift more on all pushing exercises, yes that includes the ball swelling bench press!

Thirdly, but this is more of a personal one, i find triceps more fun to train than biceps. I barely even get warm while training biceps, but with dip's, close grip bench press and skull crushers amongst the compound tricep exercises, your bound to break into a sweat.

You've probably seen so many articles on the internet on in magazines that show you how to get massive triceps, through drop sets, giant sets and super sets. Well if you hadn't already guessed it these are intensity boosters/plateua breakers. Which work well if you've been training triceps previously. But what if you don't have the previous programme that built the initial mass and strength needed to perform those complicated exercises and sets.

That is exactly what i intend to bring to you, a simple tricep mass gain programme that should but a horse shoe on your arm in no time at all. (well maybe 3 years naturally!!) You need to stick to the big compound moves and steadily increase the poundage and reps done at those increased poundage.

Your Tricep workout should consist of;

1. A low rep compound movement for strength- 1 working set
2. A compound movement for hypertrophy (8-12 reps) -3 working sets
3. A single joint isolation movement for hypertrophy- 2 working sets with optional drop set

For the first exercise i would go for the close grip bench press. As you can choose the weight needed while easily recording your reps and increasing the weight by small increments when its needed.

The second one I find best to go for weighted dips, or unweighted if you can't do 10 with your body weight. This is a top classic exercise for the triceps and has been proven to withstand the test of time.

For the 3rd and final exercise i generally opt for a single arm exercise like the over head DB extension, making sure i get a good range of motion and really feeling the tricep extending and contracting.

A workout could then look like this;
Close grip bench- 3 warm up sets of light weight
Close grip bench- 1 working set of max weight for max reps, aiming for 2-4 reps
Dips- 3 working sets aiming for 12 on the first set but decreasing with every set (fatigue)
Single arm DB overhead extension- 2 working sets each side aiming for 10 reps

Try this for 6-8 weeks and see how much progress you make, if your progress has'nt halted by week 8 then continue until you notice them slowing.

Thanks for reading: JONNO
Any questions or other queries email me at;

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