Wanting shoulders that look like basketball's? I'm guessing that's why your here! instantly add width to your upper body while shrinking your waist, just by making your shoulders grow.
Who doesn't want to look broader, to attract females and scare off other rival males. No matter how vein we pretend we are not, we still have the basic survival instinct in our genes. That means broad shoulders get more females and scares off other males.
Well how do you get big shoulder's, do i hear you ask? Well a programme in my eyes should consist of;
1- A big compound movement for less than 5 reps, performing only 1 working set.
2- A compound movement for 8-12 reps performed for 3 working sets
3- A isolation movement for 10-15 reps performed for 2 working sets, targetting a weak point.
4- A single arm compound movement performed as a drop set to failure.
This then builds strength through the first exercise, hypertrophy through the second exercise, weak point targeting with the isolation exercise and finally a lot of vasodilation (pump) with the drop set.
You could do the following exercises, to fit in with this programme format;
1- Dumbell press
2- Seated military press
3- Rear Dumbell raise
4- Single arm Arnold press
Obviously you could swap the first two over every 6 or so weeks, or change so the isolation is done first and pre exhaust a weak point, like doing rear raises before a behind the neck press. To really kill the posterior Deltoid's. As long as from week 1 to week 6 or when ever you decide to change the programme your lifting more in week 6, you have improved and made progress. Which is the essence of bodybuilding and the whole point of going to the gym!
Thanks for reading: Jonno
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