Its all about diamond calves to make those shorts in the summer look good, no matter if their from the latest designer or a discount brand on the high street.
I cannot enphasise the importance of having good calves to finish off your physique. Great Calves wont make a physique, but they will certainly turn a good one into a great one. Why do so many people struggle to have great Calves, when they clearly have raging pec's, basketball shoulder and a bumpy country for a back. I can guess for 99% of them its not a lack of training but instead a lack of knowledge.
How many times have you decided to do Calves and just gone from machine to machone doing a few different Calve raise type moves! I bet you don't train chest like that. Could you imagine on chest day just doing a few machines and free weights, guessing the weights and just going till it burns abit!! You just wouldn't do it, well i hope you don't! (if you do get yourself over to the CHEST SECTION!)
You have to train Calves like every other part, fact! So just like with bench press you try to do one extra rep each week, or you check your note book and try to do a extra 2.5kg when you've hit your target reps. Why not go up to the standing Calve reaise machine, look at what you did last week and try to do a little bit more weight or get a extra rep, then the next session try and do the same. Before you know it your Calves are considerably stronger and guess what, i bet they've grown! Shock!
A sample workout for Calves would look like;
First train a major muscle like, chest, back, shoulder's, quad's or hamstring's.
You can then move onto the smaller muscles like Calves. (you wouldn't train triceps before chest im hoping)
Get your self to the standing calf raise machine, load up the weight and perform one warm up set of 10 reps on a light weight no lactic acid or strain, just nice and easy, perform slow full reps.
Up the weight to a working weight for yourself, perform reps at this weight until failure, hopefully it was in the 10-15 rep range.
Rest a strict 1 minute, then go again at this weight. Record what weight and how many reps you managed to get, in a training diary or notebook.
Make your way over to a seated calf raise machine, no need for a warm up set this time, just load the weight and try for a nice 8-12 reps. The only major difference this time is the way your going to point your feet, on this one point your feet outwards, to hit the muscle in a different way.
Rest a strict 1 minute and then go again, feet pointing in the same way. Record you lifts.
Now find something that you can support yourself on with one hand and with the other hold onto a dumbell. The same side the dumbell is in keep rooted to the floor and the other lift up, to a sort of hopping position. Now the legs thats still planted perform the calf raise with. But when you reach failure, instead of straight away swapping sides, simply put the weight down and continue with just your body weight or a Dumbell weighing less! Perform he same for the other side, being careful with both legs not to help yourself up with your supporting hand. This is called a single leg dumbbell calf raise. (for guidance see picture to the right)
As you can clearly see there is only really one way to train your Calves and that is, to flex your ankle up and down. Pretty boring really, that's why its so important to varie the angles and rep ranges that you perform the exercises at. Pointing your toes outwards means that you isolate the insdie of your calf more. While pointing them inwards had the opposite effect.
So to some up this article your Calves will never have girls sucking you off, but when the rest of your body is good and your on the beach next to your mate with skinny Calves you should just pull that girl he misses out on!
Thanks for reading: JONNO
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