Everyone in the world loves biceps, some might say they don't but its probably because they haven't got good ones!! I personally like Biceps but hate training them.
I don't understand the obsession with them! And if dumbbell curls were banned in gyms worldwide, i bet 90% of first time trainers would make better gains. Imagine instead of going to the gym the first time, instead of picking up a dumbell and curling it you learnt how to squat or deadlift!
Well thats my rant over! Lets get down to how you should train Biceps. This is a sample programme a professional bodybuilder is using for biceps according to a popular muscle magazine:
Dumbbell curls 3 sets- 10-12 reps
Hammer curls 3 sets- 10-12 reps
Rope cable curls 3 sets- 10-12 reps
Single arm Hammer strength preacher curls 3 sets each arm- 10-12 reps
Ok so im guessing after this your arms are going to be pumped to F*CK. Your forearms will be aching and it seems your wrist is going to break from all the strain. Job done? Thought so! Well im sure this pro is getting great results and im not saying he is incorrect as obviously their professional for a reason.
But remember your not a professional bodybuilder, I'm guessing your a average bloke looking to add some mass to his arm's, you have your diet and supplements in check, but your just looking for extra help in a lagging area. If I'm wrong i apologize!
I believe then that the above workout has far to much volume and what im about to suggest may shock you!
I don't even bother training arms, but i haven't got great arm's! There not skinny pipe cleaners but there not Mr Olympia worthy either. When i do decide to train arm's their generally an after thought if I've got time that day at the gym.
So look at your routine carefully and remember Biceps get blased when you train back anyway. Still have time to fit them in? Ok here goes. Firstly don't go to the gym and do a just Biceps workout, place it after a bigger muscle group and not the day before training Back.
I would simply perform my normal routine for the larger muscle group, then add at the end;
Barbell curls 2 sets at the same weight aiming for 10 reps
Rope cable curls 1 dropset (-50% of weight) both sets to failure but aiming for 10
What thats it I hear you shouting?! Why do you need anymore, simply reach failure record your results and start recovering/growing. Biceps are a small muscle, remember that! I cannot emphasise enough though how important recording your results are, so the next week you can use a little more weight or perform a extra rep. So many people see training arms as swinging dumbbells around until you can't lift any anymore.
All this does is give you a lovely pump, and maybe some hypertrophy but it will come a point when youv'e been throwing the same weights around for 6 months and your wondering why your not making any progression!
My final points are;
1. Use perfect form.
2. Get a spotter to force a extra rep out on every working set.
3. Use a Olympic bar to do your bicep curls, so you can add small increments of weight each session or when required.
Lets get those arm's growing then lads.
Thanks for reading: JONNO
Any other questions or queries just email me at;
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