Every girl want's a man with a 6 pack, not all will admit it, but if its that or a hairy beer gut, the decision is only going to go one way!
I'm going to level with everyone here, i don't train abs! Yeah you heard i don't train ab's! I'm also about to go on about how important having a six pack is to having a great physique. This doesn't make sense i know but let me explain.
I only do compound exercises, generally focused around the Squat and Deadlift. These exercises obviously work the lower body but they also give your Abdominals a great workout. With these core exercises and generally having low body fat my ab's generally stand out. There by no means amazing but their at least there!
So the first thing you should learn from my little story is that you need low fat percentage to even stand a chance of seeing your abs. Check the FAT LOSS SECTION for more imformation of this.
You then need to make sure your doing your upmost to include all the basic exercises in your workout routine. Squat, deadlift, pullups, bench press, military press and barbell rows.
These engage your core and will help to bring out those abdominals.
One exercise however i do believe makes a difference is hanging leg raises. These are perfect to throw in twice a week after a workout for a couple of sets to failure.
To round things up then, i wouldn't bother with complicated ab circuits or even crunches, just do the best and biggest exercises with proper technique. While keeping fat to a minimum and your abs should flourish!
Thanks for reading: JONNO
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