Can't even force one more rep on the weight your using, but your just not quite at total failure on your last exercise, here's the answer.
Drops sets! You get to failure on one weight and whas the next thing you really don't want to be doing? Picking up he weight again and performing more reps. Well grit your teeth, lower the weight about 60% and perform another set to failure. Easy right? Just try it first!
Many people do drop sets for bicep curls, bench press, and tricep extensions. But you wouldn't do this for squats or deadlifts would you? Why not, if your stuck doing 9 squats for 100kg then do your 9, drop the weight down to 80kg and perform to failure again. Next time your up against the iron i bet your body will choose that 10th rep instead of the sick feeling it got after the drop set!
Drop sets are ideal for any exercise, but remember to perform the set still with correct technique and in a good controlled fashion!
Some exercises are more suited to the drop set than others however, obviously a cable machine where you simply move the pin up and down is easier to perform a dropset on that a plate loaded machine. But a plate loaded machine is easier to perform a drop set on that a free weight barbell. However just like with dumbell's where you can pick a lighter pair up, whats stopping you from preparing 2 barbells, even if your squatting. When the gym isn't busy, I've even taken up 2 squat racks before, so when I'm done on one i simply hop onto the other one, easy!!
You can even go drop set crazy and do a double drop set! But this probably means the first or second set should of been heavier!
I would employ drop sets in all area's of my body that seem to have stalled and won't get that extra rep or little bit more weight. To count a exercise as stalled i would say it must have not improved within 2 sessions. Also look at your diet and time of training etc as this maybe a reason for why you have'nt improved on that certain lift! I lift more in the evening than i do in the morning, while some lift more on dry days than they do on rainy days! It all depends on the individual!
With all this good information about drop sets your probably wondering why every single exercise doesn't have a drop set at the end? This is because they should be used to shock the body into growth and not become an everyday occurance. Another objection for them at the start of your workout, is if for example you perform pullups at the start of a back workout and perform a drop set. This may even exhaust the supporting muscles that you need to use for the remaining exercises in your workout. Theres little point in gaining 1 rep in the first exercise but then 5 in every exercise after that! Unless obviously you record this and the next week don't perform a drop set, get the extra rep and don't loose the reps on the other exercises.
To conclude i would employ drop sets as a finisher of a smaller motion in most workouts, and use it sparingly to produce growth when nutrition and rest are in check, to gain in the bigger compound moves performed first in your workout!
Thanks for reading: JONNO
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