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Right then, so you want to get big? Stop doing bloody bicep curls and tricep extensions on the cable machines! Take off your jeans and All Saints t-shirt because it is time to grow!!! 

Lets get straight to the juicy bits then!! No one wants to fiddle around with tits, you just want to stick it in them and do your stuff!!

So most programmes have a core group of compound exercises that make the backbone of your training programme, they often have isolation exercises around them to further fatigue the muscles. 

But why waste your time on single joint exercises when you could be shifting massive weight and then recovering ready to do one more rep or a tiny amount more weight next week! 

Just imagine you start out at the gym and you can bench press 60 kg for 10 reps, pretty pathetic, but every other week you go to the gym and add on 1.5kg, yes your reps might decrease but by the time you get to 70kg for say 5 reps, I can guarantee you will look back at doing 10 reps on 60kg as a walk in the park!! And its only taken you 8 weeks!! 

This is the basic and easiest system to make your body grow and it is also the most effective. Its just people don't like doing it!! I mean what's easier a Tricep pull down, or a dead lift?!

So without any more explaining lets actually see the workout!!

The Split:
  • Monday - Workout A (Main Muscles Worked - Pecs, Triceps)
  • Tuesday - Workout B (Main Muscles Worked - Quads, Hamstrings)
  • Wednesday - Cardio
  • Thursday - Workout C (Main Muscles Worked - Delts, Traps)
  • Friday - Workout D (Main Muscle Worked - Lats, Lower Back)
  • Saturday - Rest
  • Sunday - Rest

Monday - Workout A (Main Muscles Worked - Pecs, Triceps):
Main Body PartExerciseSetsRepsRest
PecsIncline Barbell Bench Press48, 660-90 sec
PecsFlat Barbell Bench Press48, 660-90 sec
PecsDip48, 660-90 sec
PecsBarbell Pullover46, 660-90 sec

Tuesday - Workout B
 (Main Muscles Worked - Quads, Hamstrings):
Main Body PartExerciseSetsRepsRest
QuadsBarbell Squats46, 460-90 sec
QuadsFront Barbell Squat48, 660-90 sec
QuadsSumo Deadlift46, 660-90 sec
HamstringsBarbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift46, 660-90 sec

Wednesday - Cardio:
    Run or jump rope for 30 to 60 minutes.        
Thursday - Workout C (Main Muscles Worked - Delts, Traps):
Main Body PartExerciseSetsRepsRest
DeltsBarbell Military Press46, 660-90 sec
DeltsBarbell Upright Row46, 660-90 sec
DeltsBarbell Clean and Press46, 660-90 sec

Friday - Workout D (Main Muscles Worked - Lats, Lower Back):
Main Body PartExerciseSetsRepsRest
LatsPull-up26, 660-90 sec
LatsBent-Over Barbell Row26, 660-90 sec
Lower BackBarbell Deadlift26, 460-90 sec

As with all mass gain programmes it is important to do the cardio, but if you all ready lead a active lifestyle as well as going to the gym then you can give it a miss! I certainly do!

The weights you choose to do each exercise you should be able to reached the desired reps, and as soon as you can do 5 unassisted and the last rep with a spot you should add on a small amount of weight for your next workout!! 

Even though a spotter is essential make sure they only spot you when you get to failure, don't have them helping you from the first rep as this simply mean you need to lower the weight. They should be there to stop you hurting yourself and for getting out the last rep that you bring down but just cant quite get back up!!

You must log everything you do in the gym, everything from session A to B must be the same or  the lifts you make won't count. If you right down in workout 1 that you do 6 reps on 70kg but then on workout 2 you do 9 reps on 70kg, this is great but in workout 1 you took 1.30 rest and in workout 2 you took 5 minutes rest, you haven't really gained anything!!

This programme will hurt and even though we say its very simple, it is so simple that it becomes complex and people struggle to understand it!

If you have any further questions or need personal programmes writing then just email me at the address below!!

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