With all these supplements about Completely-Anabolic.com has decided to give you a quick run down not of each supplement and its brand but of the ingredients you need at different times of the day, how much, what there actually doing and whether your really gaining that much from it.
Lets start at the start of the day then. This is what a well thought of muscle magazine thinks you should take.
Upon waking:
1 dose of Multi Vitamin- quite literally is what it says.
20g Whey protein- Your body has fasted for up to eight hours or more, so it is imperative that you down a shake first thing when you wake up. This will shut down the catabolic state you may be in and get you on that road to growth once again.
7-10g Glutamine- this will be taken with your small whey shake mentioned above. Again, this will be absorbed quickly to help get your body out of a catabolic state it may have slipped into overnight.
5-10g BCAAs- is just another weapon in your arsenal to ward off the catabolic effects of fasting most of the night. Your body can readily utilize BCAAs as fuel while whey and glutamine quickly get to the muscle.
Arginine- at this time arginine will dilate blood vessels to shuttle in the nutrients of other supplements.
Pre workout
20 g whey protein It is time to get the levels of aminos in the bloodstream up once again. Taking whey prior to your workout will ensure that your muscles will have a steady stream of protein during your workout so that it can actually begin the rebuilding process early.
2-3 g arginine This will enhance the natural increase of growth hormone before a workout.
7-10 g glutamine This will help you workout longer and keep up your intensity.
3-5 g creatine Taken with a moderate amount of complex carbs and 20 grams ofwhey protein taking creatine at this time will guarantee your levels are filled up.
5-10 g BCAAs Again, taking BCAAs before a workout can fuel the body with energy so you can spare muscle tissue and it will also keep you in an anabolic state for growth.
250-500 mg Tribulus Terrestris Get that extra surge of testosterone before heading to the gym.
40-80 g simple carbs see "whey protein"
20 g whey protein This is prime-time to get a quickly digested protein in the body along with about twice the simple carbs (80 grams). No later than 30 minutes after a workout down this cocktail along with a few other ingredients to boost insulin levels which will stimulate protein synthesis by driving glucose and amino acids into the muscle.
20 g casein protein Take in 20 grams of casein along with your other post-workout supplements. Whey is used to get instant nourishment to the muscles while casein is taken for when the whey is digested and the muscles still need aminos for recovery. This will also help you stay satiated until you eat your post-workout meal.
7-10 g glutamine Again, taking glutamine after a workout will help with glycogen uptake to quickly start the recovery process and get you in that anabolic state.
3-5 g creatine Within 30 minutes after training combine creatine with 40grams of whey protein and 80 grams of simple carbs to get a potent growth producing shake. After training your muscles are screaming for nutrients so why not give it to them? The insulin response from the simple carbs will also shuttle that creatine right into the muscle.
5-10 g BCAAs This will enhance protein synthesis for greater muscle growth.
500 mg vitamin C Vitamin C will support normal joint health and immune function.
200-400 IU vitamin E Vitamin E supports muscle cell recovery. This antioxidant is also important for skin, nail and hair health.
30-60 Minutes Before Sleep
20 g casein protein Another convenient protein source, casein is slow digesting so it will be digested and released into the bloodstream at a steady rate feeding the muscles over a longer period of time. Whereas whey is used for rapid absorption, casein is used when you need protein to "stick around" a little longer, maybe between meals or for when you know you will not get in another meal for awhile.
2-3 g arginine This is another time to take advantage of the burst of growth hormone as arginine will only enhance this effect.
7-10 g glutamine This is another great opportunity to protect your hard earned muscle right before you go to bed. This taken with the small casein shake will help fend off the nightmare of catabolism.
ZMA (30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium, 11 mg B6) ZMA (the combination of zinc magnesium plus vitamin B6) has been shown to support IGF-1 and testosterone levels. Zinc has very powerful recoverybenefits and magnesium will actually calm the nervous system down so the body has an easier time resting. The better you sleep the more opportunity your body has to grow.
Middle of the night
casein protein Since it is slow digesting, you can also benefit drinking a shake in the middle of your sleep to ensure your body is getting the protein it needs. During sleep the body is basically fasting and this may cause your body to dip into a catabolic state.
Ingesting a shake at around three or four hours after going to bed will guarantee your quest for mass is still on track. Now, you may have to set your alarm, but hey, it is all for a good cause.
Well theres a pretty long and expensive list of supplements to take during the day and even night! I'm betting even if you take that for a year you wont exactly look like the Mr Olympia though! So before you go out and buy all these fancy supplements, actually take a step back and ask yourself what training really means to you. If it is becoming a professional bodybuilder then go ahead and take all these sup's at twice the recommended dose, good luck too you. But if your like me and you just do it for a little bit of self confidence, a couple of extra looks from the girls and general well being, then don't waste your money on every single one. Get yourself a solid protein shake, one thats got a blend of proteins, a multivitamin and some simple sugars. This way you've got 3 items, but you can have a shake in the morning, after the gym (with the simple sugars) and before bed. Take your multi vitamin in the morning and before bed. Its also worth noting the mutli vitamin doesn't need to be a top brand bodybuilding one, just a supermarket branded one will do just fine!!
With breakfast have a 30g protein shake, 30g simple sugars and a multivitamin.
Pre workout if you haven't eaten for a while have a 30g protein shake with 50g complex carbs (but your far better off just planning better and making sure you've got whole food in you about a hour and half before the gym).
Post workout gulp down about 30g of protein with 60g of simple sugars.
Before bed take a multivitamin and slam down your protein shake. (even better, give your protein shake a miss and have some whole food slow digesting protein sources).
Thanks for reading: Jonno
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