DIFFICULTY = Takes Practice and Patience
LUBRICATION = Not NecessaryThis technique does require you to be very horny.
The technique works very well when you haven't
masturbated in a couple of days because it often helps prolong the time it takes before ejaculation.Start masturbating in any way comfortable. Then when you are about to ejaculate, stop for a few seconds.
When you start up again, don't actually let the hand fully stroke the whole penis. Just concentrate on the jerking off shaft, and be sure to avoid the temptation of stroking the head of the penis. See how close you can get the fingers to the head without actually going all the way.Some men like to finally go all the way and stroke the head once the ejaculation climax has started.
Some men also like using a mirror or video tape especially when using this method.
If you have masturbated recently, this technique may take too long or it may not work.