Gents, its finally here!!We all search facebook for hours everyday looking
for hot girls and debating their levels of fitness between each other!!
Well its finally here the ultimate collection of babes ready for you boys to name shame and rate!!
The top rated babe of the month gets a free professional photo shoot!!!
Gentlemen make your choice....
Not every man is unfortunately locked in marriage, so test your grip strength over these lovely girlys!!
FOOTBALLGet dragged to the garden centre at the weekend and miss the football, this contains all the latest news and links to almost every clubs top pages!!
FILMS AND TV SHOWSEmerdale, Coronation Street and East Enders filling your SKY Plus box? Watch some manly tele with these links to true gentlemen's television.
GYM/ FITNESSTired of your women having to stick up for you in fights? All your mates calling you the weed, or just generally looking to get FOOOKING HUGE!! Your at the right place!
By viewing this sight and going any further you are confirming that you are of mature enough age in your country, state, caravan site, barracks or general area.
So here's the rules lads! You send us in the girl you want rating and we do a small write up on her, and then you lot decide whether were right and any other opinions you have on her!!
RATINGS are as follows:
1- harry hard on
2- semi simon
3- barry bag head
4- floppy phillip
5- runaway roger
So send in your nominations and we will start right away!!!